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Hello Language Friends, UPT Unesa Language Center opens registration for phase 2 of the TEP ACCELERATION PROGRAM starting November 28 - December 9 2022. Specifically for Unesa Students (S1 and Postgraduate): -S1 Students: Class Year 2018, 2017, 2016,

Hello Friends of Languages, The TEP Acceleration Program is a new program launched specifically for class students outside the study period. The program was carried out on November 14-22 2022 last week, 135 participants have participated and 110 of t

Hello Language Friends! The Fast Track Class of 96 is open! Get a free TEP Book from the UPT Language Center. The schedule for implementing the Fast Track program in November 2022 is: Class of 93: October 31 - November 4, 2022 Class of 94: November 7

Notified to all Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Starting Wednesday, November 16, 2022 the Test of English Proficiency (TEP) will be held OFFLINE / OFFLINE. Please come to the Unesa Language Center (Gedung G-10, Ketintang Campus) according to

Undergraduate and Postgraduate students get FREE TEP for those who register and carry out Crash Program training on 15 & 17 November 2022. Registration fee: S1: IDR 350,000, - Postgraduate: IDR 500,000, - Come on, don't miss it, register now! Please

Hello Language Friends! Fast Track Rombel 94 is now open, you know! Get a free TEP Book from UPT Language Center. , please contact the Unesa Language Center UPT Customer Service: +62 812-3516-0964 (via WA during business hours).