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Schedule for TOEFL ITP April ToEFL ITP Online April 2023 :Day/Date : Tuesday, 11 April 2023Time: 09.00 - 11.00 WIBFee: Rp. 600,000,->Registration Information:1) Parti

Hello Language Friends,The Unesa Language Center UPT opens registration for the 4th TEP ACCELERATION PROGRAM starting February 27 - March 10 2023.Specifically for Unesa Students (S1 and Postgraduate):- Undergraduate students: Class

In connection with the implementation of Training and Test of English Proficiency (TEP) for Postgraduate Students for TA 2022 (Bundling UKT Phase I),So we hereby notify that students are required to have Training and Test of English Profici
S1 & Postgraduate students get FREE TEP for those who register and carry out the Crash Program training on 21 & 23 February 2023.Registration Fee:S1 : Rp. 350.000,-Postgraduate : Rp. 500.000,-Come

Hello Language Friends,Registration for phase 3 of the TEP ACCELERATION PROGRAM has been extended until 14 February 2023 at 12.00 WIB*Terms must register:Have attended a minimum of 3 (three) times TEP whose data

Hello Language Friends,UPT Unesa Language Center opens registration for phase 3 TEP ACCELERATION PROGRAM starting February 6-10 2023. Specifically for Unesa Students (Bachelor and Postgraduate):-S1 students: Cla