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Schedule for February 2023 TOEFL ITP February 2023 Online TOEFL ITP :Day/Date : Tuesday, 14th & 21 February 2023Time : 09.00 - 11.00 WIBFee : Rp. 600.000,-Registration Inform

Hello Language Friends!Fast Track Group 4 is now open!The schedule for the implementation of the Fast Track program in January is:Class 1 : 9 - 13 January 2023Rom 2: 16 - 20 January 2023Rom 3: 23 - 27 January 202

S1 and Postgraduate students get FREE TEP for those who register and carry out Crash Program training on 24 & 26 January 2023.Registration fee:S1: IDR 350,000 ,-Postgraduate: IDR 500,000,-Come on, don't m

Hello Language Friends!Fast Track Class 2 is now open!The schedule for the implementation of the Fast Track program in January is:Class 1 : 9 - 13 January 2023Class 2: 16 - 20 January 2023For service a

Hello Language Friends! Fast Track Troop 100 is open! The schedule for the implementation of the Fast Track Program in December 2022 is: Rombel 97 : 28 November - 2 December 2022 Troop 98 : 5 - 9 December 2022 Rombel 99 : 12 - 16 December 2022 Rombel

Hello Friends of Languages, Starting December 12, 2022, TEP Online will reopen in a limited manner & will only be held on MONDAY - (SESSION 2). Check the Regular TEP Schedule, click the following link: TEP Schedule. For TEP Online & TEP Offline regis