Hello Language Friends,
Unesa Language Center UPT opens registration for TEP ACCELERATION PROGRAM stage 6 Specifically for Unesa Students (S1 and S2 & S3):
-S1 students: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 class year and so on.
-S2 students: Class of 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and so on.
-S3 students: Class of 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 etc.
Requirements for Compulsory Registration:
Have a Pass Certificate Determination (SPK)
Registrants who DO NOT MEET the Mandatory Registration Requirements in the committee verification, will be DIRECTED to the Regular TEP Crash Program training.
Implementation of the ONLINE TEP Acceleration Program which starts on 08-09 May, 15-16 May, 22-23 May, 29-30 May 2023
For complete TEP ACCELERATION PROGRAM information contact No. +62 812-3516-0964
Registration & payment method information:
- Make payments at Bank BTN with the payment code:
Payment code 1508 for S1
Payment code 1509 for S2&S3
- Register by filling out the form via the link: http://unesa.me/ProgramAkselerasiEks.
Customer Service: +62 823-3269-1220
(Via WA During Working Hours)
Website: dev-Pustralbahasaunesa.ac.id
Call: (031)-8294114
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